How To Install Lightroom Presets

Posted by Soam Jena on

If you are a FREE USER of Adobe Lightroom, then you have to do some extra work to import the presets to your mobile phone. But the installation process for Lightroom Classic is quite easy and straight forward. 

How To Install Lightroom Presets - Desktop Lightroom Classic  (.Xmp Files)


Open Lightroom, from the menu bar, choose File > Click on Import Profiles & Presets

In the Import dialog that appears, browse to the required path and select Lightroom Presets (XMP Files) that you want to import, then click on Import

Restart Lightroom CC Classic to activate the new Presets for Lightroom 

 METHOD 2 : 

Open Lightroom.

  • Mac > Click on Lightroom Classic, then choose Preferences

  • Windows > Click on Edit, then choose Preferences

Select Visibility & Location, then click on Show Lightroom Develop Presets

Click on the ImportedSettings Folder

Copy and Past your Unzipped Folder with Lightroom Presets (XMP Files) into ImportedSettings Folder

Restart Lightroom

How to Install Lightroom Presets to Mobile Free Lightroom CC (.DNG files)

1. Download the DNG file to your phone
Using the mobile app of Dropbox, Google Drive or Google Photos, download the DNG file into your phone. Depending on your phone, the image might not show or it might appear like it was not edited–don’t worry, it will still work.

TIP: If you’re downloading a Lightroom Mobile preset from online, it might come in ZIP file. So make sure to unzip this file on a computer first before transferring it to your phone or it will not work.

2. Upload the DNG file as a photo in Lightroom Mobile App
Add the DNG file like you normally would with an image on Lightroom Mobile.

3. Open the photo and in the Presets tab, select the top 3 dots and select: Create Preset
Give your preset any name you want. I recommend renaming it with the colors the preset creates that way it’s easier to select the effect you want later on.

4. You have now installed a LIGHTROOM MOBILE PRESET
Repeat this process if you have multiple presets.

How to Install Lightroom Presets Instantly for Paid Adobe CC Subscribers

If you are a paid subscriber of Adobe Lightroom CC Cloud, the process is very easy. All you have to do is open Lightroom CC on your desktop and click on IMPORT presets. Once imported, just quit the application. 

And you should see those presets automatically synced to your Mobile Lightroom CC app instantly. 

 If you still have any questions, contact us

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